Fatih Sultan Mehmet passed away at the age of 49 in Hünkarçayırı, located between Üsküdar and Gebze, after departing for a new campaign in Üsküdar in 1481. He was buried in his current location, on the qibla side of the Fatih Mosque, which he had built. His tomb was damaged over time due to earthquakes and fires and was restored during the reigns of Sultan Abdülhamid I and Sultan Abdülaziz. Most recently, it underwent a comprehensive restoration between 2015 and 2018.
Childhood and Princedom
Fatih Sultan Mehmet spent his childhood in Manisa and received his princely education there. He ascended the Ottoman throne at the young age of 12 in 1444 when his father, II. Murad, abdicated. However, due to the threat of the Crusades and internal turmoil, II. Murad was forced to reclaim the throne, and Mehmed was sent back to Manisa.
Return to the Throne and Early Years
In 1451, upon the death of II. Murad, II. Mehmed ascended the Ottoman throne for the second time. In his early years, he focused on reorganizing the state and preparing for conquests. By constructing Rumeli Hisarı, he took a significant step towards the conquest of Constantinople. He effectively countered the Byzantines and conquered Constantinople in 1453. This conquest transformed the Ottoman Empire into an empire and earned Mehmed the title of “Fatih” (Conqueror).
Conquests and Governance
Following the conquest of Constantinople, Fatih Sultan Mehmet carried out significant conquests in the Balkans, Anatolia, and the Black Sea region. He added regions such as Amasra, Sinop, Trabzon, Morea, Serbia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina to the Ottoman territories. By defeating Uzun Hasan, the ruler of the Akkoyunlu, in the Battle of Otlukbeli, he strengthened Ottoman dominance in Eastern Anatolia.
Personality and Governing Philosophy
Fatih was a visionary, disciplined, and culturally oriented leader. He was proficient in many languages, including Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Greek, and Latin. He provided significant support to science, art, and education. He established madrasas in Istanbul, implemented legal reforms, and modernized the Ottoman army. Moreover, he strengthened the state with a centralized governing approach.
Contributions to Literature and Art
Fatih Sultan Mehmet wrote poetry under the pen name “Avnî.” He showed interest in various fields of science such as literature, mathematics, astronomy, and geography. By inviting renowned artists of the time, like the painter Gentile Bellini, to Istanbul, he created a significant impact in the field of art.