Koca Sinan Pasha was son of Ali from Albania. Despite his birth date is not known for certain, he is estimated to be born in 1520. After being governor of Kastamonu, Gaza and Nablus provinces, he served as beglerbeg (general governor) of Erzurum, Aleppo and Egypt. He has fulfilled grand viziership five times during Sultan Murad III and Mehmed III periods. He had established several madrasah, mosque, imaret, public fountain, darülkurra (school for Kuran reciters), hostelry and hammam in Arabia, the Balkans and mostly İstanbul and he has revenued a significant generation over these establishments. He had passed away on April the 4th, 1596 and was buried at his turbe on Divanyolu (ceremony path at the Ottoman period).
The hexadecagonal planned turbe of Koca Sinan Pasha was constructed of cut stone in Classical Ottoman turbe architecture. There are eight blind façades and the other eight façades have window spans. The bottom row windows are pointed arched and marble grilled in alternate order. The top row windows are with round archs and plaster grilled while they were stone dressed in red and white. The interior corners have stalactite headed columns. Hand-drawn decorations are seen inside the dome and at the pointed arch endings at the window tops.
There are five total sarcophaguses in the turbe. Three of these are wooden while the rest two are marble. One of the sarcophaguses belong to Koca Sinan Pasha and the other personage is unidentified.