The real name of Ghazi Osman Pasha was Osman Nuri. His father was a clerk at İstanbul customs of timber Mehmed Effendi and his mother was Şakire Hatun. He had been educated at several military schools in Istanbul then crusaded in Crimea and has played an important role in suppressing the riots at Syria and Crete. Osman Pasha entitled as Ghazi after he and his army had resisted against the enemy at the Pleven Battles outbreaking in the years 1877-78.
Ghazi Osman Pasha reczived “adjutancy” title along with the “exultation” “order of the Medjidie” and the “Imtiyaz” medals for his services of a lifetime. Besides he has received first rank medals presented by foreigner presidents and rulers including the Pope himself. Pasha who had died on April the 5th, 1900 was buried at his rurbe built in Fatih Complex by Mimar Kemaleddin upon the order of Sultan Abdulhamid II.
The turbe is one of the earliest samples of the nationalist movement in architecture. Planned tetragonally, it was constructed of limestone and is covered with an elevated dome. The entrance façade of the building is carried by two muqarnas columns and pointed arched with is triangular upper pediment decorated with plantal motifs. There is a single window for each of the three remaining façades. The interior is simple A wooden grill surrounding Ghazı Osman Pasha’s sarcophagus was placed at the center of the turbe.