As his Majesty Emir Sultan (1368-1429), who was granted the Sufism rank of a “veli”, was a descendant from the Prophet’s blood-line, he was granted the title of an “emir”, or “ameer”, and as he conquered the hearts, he was granted the title of a “sultan”, or “Sultan”. Emir Sultan, born in Bukhara, is known as Es-Seyyid Shemsuddin Mehmed bin Aliyyul Buhari. This mausoleum is situated within the kulliye built in the 15th century by Hundi Hatun, the wife of Emir Sultan, and daughter of Yıldırım Bayezid. In 1804, when Sultan Selim III re-built both mosque and mau soleum, the latter took its current state. It was reno vated in 1845 by Sultan Abdulmecid, in Turkish Ba roque style. This structure was renovated anew in
1868, by Sultan Abdulaziz. Thismausoleum is built with an octagonal plan and is covered with a dome. Its interior is decorated with hand-drawn ornaments in Turkish Baroque style.
The sarcophagi of his Majesty Emir Sultan, of his wife, Hundi Hatun, of their son, Emir Ali, and of their two daughters are situated inside this mausoleum.