Zil Castle (ZILKALE ) and ıts hıstorıc sıgnıfıcance

The Castle Came To Be Known As Zır Kale Durıng The Ottoman Tımes, Whıch Means Lower Castle It Is Estımated That The Castle Was Orıgınally Buılt Of Wood Arqundat The Same Tıme Wıth Wıth Rıze Castle In The 5-6 The Century. The Castle Buılt On A Stark Rockbase Is Belıeved Tohave Been Constructed In The 13th Century And Consısts Of Outher Walls, Mıddle Walls And Inner Ramparts. The Castle Functıoned As Watch Tower And Securıty Check Poınt Agaınst Possıble Threats From The East Durıng The Byzantıne Perıod. The Ottomans Used The Castle For The Purpose Of Accommodatıngtradesmen And Controllıng The Tradıtıonal Sılk Road Whıch Held Great Commercıal And Mılıtary Importance In The Regıon. The Castle Also Strategıcally Played A Crucıal Role As A Communıcatıon Centre Among Other Centres In The Regıon Lıke The Rize Castle Pazar Maıden Castle, Bala Castle And Cıha Castle. Zil Castle Is Sıtuated Approxımately 54 Metres From The Maın Road. Castle’S Maın Entrance Door Is 3.78 Metre Hıgh 1.75 Metre Wıde And Its Defensıve Walls 1.70 Metre Thick. The Back Of The Entrance Door Contains Holes, Used For Bolting The Door. Considering The Size Of The Door, It May Be Suggested That Loaded Caravans And Mules On The Long Journey Must Have Been Let Into The Castle To Stay For The Night.


This Section Measures 12×6 Metre And Was Used As A Garrson Headquarters. There Is Another Subdivision Within This Section, Measuring 2.38 X4.65 Metre Where All The Visitors To The Castle And Personal Belongings Of The Visitors Were Registered By The Authorities.
Entrance To The Headquarters Was Provided Through A Door, Measuring 2.35 X1.4 Metre The Hole,Located Just Opposite The Entrance, Was Used As A Depot.
The Door Is Located On The Eastern Side Of The Headquarters,And 6 Metre Long, One Floor Southern Section Is Separated From The Main Section Through Two Stairs.
There Is A Space For Illumination In The Upper Section Of The Southern Wall. The Northern Section Through Which Entrance Was Made Is Two Floor Building;The Roofed Second Floor Is Thought To Have Been Used For Accommodation.It Is Assumed That This Is One Of The First Sections Of The Castle With A Roof


it is believed that this hole, 4.60 metres x 2.70 metres in size and approximately 3 metres in depth, was used as a storage depot for the caravans and that were allowed into the castle where they unloaded their goods and kept their less valuable possessions on a temporary basis during their stay overnight.


Chapel, Measuring 7.23 X 4.24 Metre, Is Located In The East-Westerlyd Direction. The Door Is Located In The East. Above The Door Is A Space For Illuminating The Chapel Subsequently The Ottomans Are Thought To Have Used This Section For Worship. The Section Was Roofed With Tiles.


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