Sümbül Efendi whose real name was Yusuf Sinan was born in 1452?, in Merzifon. His nickname Sümbül was given him by his sheik Cemal-i Halveti. Sümbül Efendi went to primary school in Merzifon, then he came to Istanbul to attend madrasah / muslim theological school. He was the student of Efdalzade Hamidüddin who was one of the well known scholars of the era. He met with one main part of Halvetiyye sect’s Cemaliyye’s patriarch Cemal-i Halveti and he became affiliated with Cemal-i Halveti through one of his friends and he took part in Islamic-Sufism. He got married with Sultan Safiye, the daughter of his sheik Cemal-i Halveti who died In 1494 on the way back of pilgrimage, by his will and he became the sheik of Koca Mustafa Pasha Dervish convent. Sümbül Efendi, preached at Fatih Mosque and Hagia Sophia Mosque, died in September, 1529. After people had performed his funeral prayer at Fatih Mosque, he was buried at burial area of Koca Mustafa Pasha Dervish convent.

Turbe, took existing view after it had been repaired during the period of Sultan Mahmut II Khan (1808-1839) and Seraskier Mehmet Rıza Pasha had restored before 1920. When the turbe was constructed for the first time it was planned as octangle, but now it is planned as orbicular and with a dome. A trapezoid planned entrance was added to he South of the turbe, Sümbül Efendi and Seriaskier Mehmet Rıza Pasha’s turbes area’s doors are opened to this section. There is also the tomb of the Calligrapher Ömer Efendi and a well.


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