This mausoleum is attributed to Mukrime Hatun, the wife of Shehzade Shehinshah, son of Bayezid II, and mother of Shehzade Mehmed. There is no construction-related epitaph board on this structure. However, considering the fact that Mukrime Hatun died in 1517, the date of construction of This mausoleum is estimated to be early 16th century.

Its waits are decorated with rich hand-drawn ornaments. from different epochs. Besides the tomb of Mukrime Hatun, there are tombs inside this mausoleum the identity of the persons buried here is unknown. This mausoleum, which was thoroughly restored by Bursa Metropolitan Municipality between 2013 and 2014, is located within a site, which was inscribed on the UNESCO

Mükrime Hatun Tomb Location

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