This mausoleum was built in 1481 by Mehmed the Conqueror for his father, Murad II. According to the last will of Murad II, this structure was built with a square plan and an open roof to allow the rain in, and with a surrounding gallery for the disciples to memorize the Qur’an. Without using a sarcophagus, the Sultan’s body was directly buried in soil, and there is no one else buried in this mausoleum with him.

Especially notable are the mausoleum’s door wings, which are some of the most beautiful examples of fine woodwork. They feature silvered nail heads, dodecagonal stars, and eaves decorated with stalactite work, showcasing intricate artwork.

The columns, including both pedestals and capitals, are structural elements of the Byzantine era.

Bonded to the mausoleum’s east wall is the mausoleum of Sultan Alaaddin. It is accessed through an opening provided by a window, which was rebuilt as a door. This mausoleum is built with a square plan. Inside, there are the tombs of Şehzade Alaaddin, Şehzade Ahmet (the sons of Murad II), and Hatice Sultan and Şehzade Hatun (the daughters of Murad II).

Murad II Han Mausoleum Inscription

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, who is free from all imperfections and transcends all transience. He is characterized by Unity and Everlastingness. Peace and blessings be upon the Prophet who brought a pure religion, and upon his family, companions.
Then, to Sultan Murad, who departed from this world of impermanence and pride to the eternal abode of joy and permanence. He was the Sultan of all times, the ruler of lands and seas, the refuge of heroes, warriors, and the weak and needy, the pride of the Ottoman dynasty, chosen by the grace of Allah, the King of Kings, the son of Sultan Bayezid, the son of Sultan Mehmed, Murad Khan. May Allah place him in the chambers of paradise and shower His mercy upon him. He passed away on the first Wednesday of Muharram in the year 852 Hijri, corresponding to 1449 CE, at the time of dawn.

Mausoleum of Prince Aladdin

Although Sultan Alaaddin died earlier, it is known that his mausoleum was built after the one for his father. All hand-drawn ornaments were plastered in the late 19th century and covered with baroque decoration elements. During the 2013 restoration, this plastering was removed, revealing the original hand-drawn ornaments dating back to the 16th century. These ornaments were thus revived.

This mausoleum, thoroughly restored by the Bursa Metropolitan Municipality between 2013 and 2014, is located within a site that was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2014.

Mausoleum Location of Murad II

kaynak: Bursa Kitabeleri – ömer kaptan, BBB

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